Lambda Tau Omega's

National Events

Reflecting on our past National Events

Our past national events stand as pillars of inspiration, reminding us of the bonds forged, the lessons learned, and the strides taken towards a shared vision. They have been platforms where our values found expression, and our commitment to excellence and service shone brightly.

As we continue to chart new horizons, we carry the echoes of these events with us, grounding us in the traditions that make Lambda Tau Omega unique.


Mermaid Sightings and Outings are held regularly as we see the bond of sisterhood as our most valuable asset. Some of our most popular adventures have included: Yankees games, visits to the zoo to include our merbabies, charitable walks, cultural parades.


The 2023 Retreat was the first of its kind as it was the first time our Sorority gathered for an event after the pandemic. LTO also celebrated the 35th anniversary of our organization’s founding date.

Mermaid Meal

An event for sisters and interests to mix and mingle.

S.E.A. Formal

In May 1989, Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. began the tradition of the annual banquet (awards ceremony). This awards ceremony is the most acclaimed celebration of the year; highlighting and recognizing the year’s award recipients.

Mermaid Marinade

The Annual Mermaid’s Marinade is held every August at a designated park chosen by the planning committee. The event was created to bring Sisters, friends and family together in a relaxed environment filled with food, games, activities, music and bonding.